Examples of Product pages, analysis and comparison

Product page

A product page is the page of a website where purchases are completed. In general the page includes a picture of the product, relevant information about the product such as size, colour, weight, shipping details and reviews. To enhance customer experience buttons as Add to cart and Wish list are included (Keenan, 2022). 

Elements of a Product page:

Further more we will explore the most used features on a product page, that will enhance customer experience:
  • search bar : offer the possibility to conduct specific product research.
  • cart button: this allow customers to store product of interest for a later purchase whilst exploring the shop page of the website.
  • product picture: in general picture of the product however it is common to see videos also.
  • Wishlist button: store a product of interest for a future purchase
  • product name
  • short description: a brief description of the product
  • price: information relevant to price purchase cost
  • size/colour: gives details regarding the availability of a product in terms of size and the colours 
  • shipment detail: includes information about the shipping terms and specifies delivery time windows.
  • filters: gives customers the possibility to search using specific filters or product categories (Retta, 2022).

Product pages best practices:

Similar with everything else, product pages have their own best practices advices and suggestions which we will explore next:

  1. Intrigue the customer: it is commonly known that online sopping is influenced significantly by user experience therefore it is essential that the Product Page has an enhanced and interactive UI/UX to gain customers curiosity and interest. This can be accomplished by the use of widgets, colours and layout of the page.
  2. Facilitate product search: customers should not be overwhelmed by the product page and they should be able to finish their research in desired time. Providing different search option, keeping a positive and healthy balance between the amount of information and the widgets provided can prove useful to enhance customer shopping experience.
  3. Product details: these details should anticipate a customers questions and they must be specific. it is advisable to provide proof that demonstrates a product value.
  4. Images: People love beautiful and clear things. The product images should be clear and have a professional appearance. 
  5. Reviews or  price comparison: displaying customers reviews and price comparison can persuade a customer to trust and purchase the product. It is essential to keep in mind that honesty its crucial in this aspect (Cox, 2021).
Product page examples:

Now that certain notions related to product pages had been briefly discussed it is time to analyse some product pages images and create a visual idea on how a Product Page should look like. It is important to mention that the elements and features of product pages varies based on the business type, product type and services. 

The fist example on our list is the product page of the website The Snug.

In the picture we can notice that the company has a well designed and appealing product page. It provides the necessarily information about the service such as name, price, quantity option and booking details. It includes buttons namely add to cart, Buy it now and social media buttons. An interesting feature is the option to acquire this service as a gift for the loved ones. The page design is simple, using a white background making appealing for the customers. 
The only negative aspect related to this page is that the pictures of the service have a low quality being blurry.

For next example we have a product page from the Jaimini.

The company chose the same type of page design, simple, with a white background. Similar with the previous example the images of the products are blurry which can prove a set back in sales. This product page has only the Add to cart button and product details are comprised by product name, a short description and price info. 

Overall both companies have an appealing and user friendly product pages with similar style and design however, we can assume that The Snug has a superior Product Page, with rich content relevant to product description and extra features. 

When a customer visits an website is the beginning of a journey towards a purchase. Navigating through the website, customers unwillingly research for proof to convince themselves that their intention of purchase is the right one. Without any doubt the product page is the most important aspect of this journey. The main goal of the product page is to provide customers with all the information they need to finalise the purchase and help them decide to do so. 


Cox, L., 2021. 20 of the Best Product Page Design Examples We've Ever Seen. [online] Blog.hubspot.com. Available at: <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/product-pages-love-list> [Accessed 4 September 2022].

Keenan, F., 2022. Product Pages: 16 Beautiful Product Landing Page Examples (2022). [online] Shopify. Available at: <https://www.shopify.co.uk/blog/product-page> [Accessed 4 September 2022].

Retta, 2022. Product Detail Page (PDP) Definition — Dynamic Yield. [online] Dynamic Yield. Available at: <https://www.dynamicyield.com/glossary/product-detail-page/#:~:text=A%20product%20detail%20page%20(PDP,know%20before%20making%20a%20purchase.> [Accessed 4 September 2022].
