Research what Alt Tags and Title Tags are in HTML, and discuss how they improve SEO for your E-commerce website

    In todays post we will be looking at further methods that can improve our website SEO. Previously, we discussed about various metatags used to boost SEO on our website. Today I will briefly analyse the Alt and Title Tag in HTML, and the role they play in Search Engine optimization.

  I. ALT Tags in HTML:

In the early days,  internet connection wasn't reliable and performant as it is in present. Numerous times a website would have a difficulty to fully load it's content especially  pictures and videos. Developers had to find a way to communicate the webpage content to the user even in situation like this  and this led to the apparition of ALT Tags (W3schools, 2022).  

The Alt Tag represents an alternative of displaying further information about an imagine in the case where the user can not see it. The main reasons behind this are a slow connection, an error in the src attribute or the use of screen reader on the user end (GeeksforGeeks, 2022)

The syntax of ALT tag is :  <area alt="text">. Ironically the use of "Alt Tags" is technically incorrect where a more accurate name would be Alt Text (Alumni, 2019). 


In the above example we can observe that the picture description used inside the source code offer an accurate and detailed description of the imagine on the left. For a good alt tag practice it is advisable to write a description as accurate as possible. To test the description efficiency it is sufficient to listen to it with the eyes closed. If you can reproduce a visual imagine in your mind similar with the described imagine then the description it is accurate.

Alt Tag has a significant importance in a website. Numerous visitors have different visual abilities therefore it is essential to offer them a positive user experience regardless of their ability. Using Alt tag to describe images will accommodate the visitors of a website with visual conditions. From a SEO perspective search engines use crawlers to discover the content of a page. Significant progress had been made in this field however crawlers can not see an image similar with a person. Using description for images helps crawlers gain more information from that website and it will improve the website visibility (Moz, 2022).

II. Title Tag in HTML:

No website or content can be complete without a title. HTML uses an element named a Title Tag which specifies the name of an HTML document. The syntax for this tag is <head><title>Example Title</title></head> and the basic rule is that we can not have more than a title tag into an HTML document. The ideal Title tag should have a length under 60 characters and they must describe the content of the HTML document accurately.

Importance of the Title Tag:

After a research is initiated by an user, search engines return the results of the research displaying the title of the webpage as is shown in the next image:
It is known that this is the first example of user experience previous to webpage visit. To facilitate the user experience more, the Title tag it is used for a quick identification by the user on browser tab list.

The content of title tags it is crucial for a positive user experience and it should be specific and easy to be recognised by the user. Furthermore each title should be unique and include relevant keywords (Moz, 2022).


(Alumni), Z., 2019. Why Are Title Tags Still Important for SEO? | Seer Interactive. [online] Seer Interactive. Available at: <,for%20whatever%20their%20query%20is.> [Accessed 29 August 2022].

GeeksforGeeks, 2022. HTML title Tag - GeeksforGeeks. [online] GeeksforGeeks. Available at: <,page%20in%20search%20engine%20results.> [Accessed 29 August 2022].

Moz, 2022. Alt Text: Why It's Important For Accessibility & SEO. [online] Moz. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 August 2022].

Moz, 2022. What Are Title Tags? [Plus FREE Title Tag Preview Tool]. [online] Moz. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 August 2022].

W3schools, 2022. HTML area alt Attribute. [online] Available at: <,user%20uses%20a%20screen%20reader).> [Accessed 29 August 2022].
