Programming languages used to Develop a Website


   Businesses that intend to develop their activity into E-commerce sector will require an online shop or online website to start their activity. Numerous companies offer platforms that allow people to create an online shop with minimal coding knowledge. They offer templates that can easily be modified by customers according with their preferences however, these templates require coding to be developed and this post will provide information related to coding languages and their purpose.

HTML ( HyperText Markup Language): A web page requires a structure and content to be functional. HTML allow developers to organize the content under form of bullet points, paragraphs or use images and data tables. HTML consists in a series of elements which allow developers to create a specific appearance for the content (Moraes, 2022).

A HTML element has 3 bodies:

·         Opening Tag this represents where the element starts

·         Closing tag indicates where the element ends

·         The content of the element which is the text.


Css (Cascading Style Sheets) it is a stylesheet language which allows developers to decide how the content of a page is displayed for the users. CSS is used to create the style and the layout of a web page namely font, size, colour, text organisation and animations (Cox, 2022).

Javascript: is a powerful and complex programming language that can be used to manipulate website content forcing it to act in different ways. Majority of present website support and use Javascript making it a popular choice for developers to design interactive websites. This programming language uses strings to allow developers to create websites (Kantor, 2022).

Python is a popular programming language that allow developers to be more efficient. It is used to create web applications, workflows, connect database systems, and mathematics. Python syntax is simple making it popular in coding domain (Oracle,2022).

Yukihiro Matsumoto design Ruby to be natural and intuitive offering developers’ greater flexibility. Ruby can be used for numerous types of programs however it is common in web applications development. It is popular among developers being considered a simplistic and powerful programming language and it is often met in front-end and back-end development. Inside Ruby everything is an object (Ruby,2022).



Ruby it is popular due to it's simplicity which makes it an intuitive and easy to learn programming language. As we can notice in our example it is required just a simple code line in Ruby to generate an OUTPUT.



Cox, 2022. Web Design 101: How HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Work. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

Kantor, 2022. The JavaScript language. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

Moraes, 2022. Home. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

Mozilla, 2022. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

Oracle, 2022. What is Python?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

Ruby, 2022. About Ruby. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].

W3schools, 2022. Introduction to Python. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 July 2022].
