Documentation of progress in Website Development (Using Wix). Post should cover signification milestones in the development process. Part I

 To complete my project I used Wix, which is a website creator and editor. This post aim to be a tutorial for the creation of a website using Wix. The first step in the development of a website is to create the website structure or layout. Wix offers two possibilities to accomplish this. First choice will be a website generated automatic by Wix as a result of questions that we must answered or we can chose a template similar with our idea and design it from there according with our own specifications. For my project I used the second option.

It is a known fact that majority of details and work into a website are being dedicated to the Home page. Here is where the first impression is created and the page will need significant attention and work. On the main page we will meet the menu of the website with the Home tab being our opening tab. In the next picture we can observe the work for the menu and the website.

After careful considerations, I decided on the menu needed for the business and it had been created. The next photo will demonstrate the menu creation and the subpages of certain menu tabs.

In the past decades, websites used to be a static environment with a minimal UI/UX interactions. The invention of programming languages and Java allowed developers to create more interactive and complex websites. One popular feature met in majority of modern websites is the Banner or the carousel. It is represented by a collections of slides with the purpose of drawing the visitor attention. In Wix editing window, this can be achieved by implementing slideshows or boxes slideshow found in the interactive category on add elements section.

The work for a website, its features, content and pages are usually completed in two locations of a website editor. We seen previously the website editor window, which deals with aspects that concern layouts, colours themes, text content and website animations or effects. The second window is the Dashboard window. In this window concepts like adding products, services, financial aspects, business and staff details, and widgets are being worked on. In this windows it is managed the website, booking, staff holiday and pay and here we can work with our databases.

We can notice from the examples the page where products and website are being added to the website. In the dashboards details such as price, description, availability offers and discounts are created.

Using the Wix features illustrated above, I manage to create the website I wad planned with features and layout similar with my initial idea. The second part of this tutorial will include the design of website pages. At the bottom it is a caption which illustrates the progress made on my project. 

Results to this stage:
