Discuss the 4Ps of marketing, establishing and focusing on the ones most relevant to your project

                                The 4 Ps of Marketing

Known as marketing mix the four Ps of marketing stand for product, price, place and promotion. These aspects are essential for a product or a service to be successful therefore, a vigorous analysis and exceptional implementation are required. The main purpose of a marketing mix is to increase the chances for a product to be recognised and purchased by customers (Yasar, 2022)

To continue, we will discuss briefly the four Ps of marketing. Price is the aspect that determines the value of a product and it generates profit for the company. Marketers must be careful with this aspect considering the cost of the product,  competitor market, supply cost. Generating more profit companies will be able to satisfy better customers needs increasing the company customers base ( Twin, 2022). 
Promotion is the process in which companies inform the general public about a new product, offering details and specification usually with the purpose of convincing the audience that the named product will fulfil their needs. It often facilitates the connection between business and customers and justifies why their product should be selected and not the product of the competitors (Yasar, 2022). Following element of a marketing mix is the Place and it determines where the product will be made available for the public, into a traditional store or an online store. In general product placement it it influenced by the targeted audience and product type ( Twin, 2022).  The placement in the case of a physical store it could mean the decisive factor for a business success. 

The final P of marketing it is the most important and relevant aspect for my project. It has a major influence in decisions making related with the other Ps. The product must fulfil customers needs and it has to be superior to the competitors products from all aspect. To achieve a complete and successful product or service it is advised to sell the value of the product, the utility and the concept that a particular product is what a customer needs to attend its needs (Asdi, 2020). Marketeers should focus on the concept that if you want to achieve success you have to solve a problem shared by 1 million people. My project is a website for a beauty salon therefore it seemed obvious that my main focus should be the service offered by the business. The customers of beauty salons and beauty shops in general are interested in appearance or imagine. With this in mind I aim in my project to prove customers that the business offers professional and high quality services, reassuring them that their needs and satisfaction would be fulfilled. In present imagine has become an important factor met in any domain. It often reflects the professionalism of a company and it is inspired by visual perception. My second point of focus will be Promotion. The visual experience of customers when accessing an website it is proved to be crucial in gaining customers therefore my focus would be to create a project that is simple and user friendly however elegant and exquisite simultaneously. 

In conclusion it is obvious that a service or a product success it is determined by numerous factors however, most important among them are the four Ps of marketing. While success can not be guaranteed using the strategy of marketing mix could considerably increase the chances of  a business to promote their product and create a substantial base of customers which will help the company to generate profit.


Asdi, 2020. View of The Effect of Marketing Mix (4P) on Buying Decision: Empirical Study on Brand of Samsung Smartphone Product. [online] Journal.accountingpointofview.id. Available at: <http://journal.accountingpointofview.id/index.php/POVREMA/article/view/93/66> [Accessed 2 September 2022].

Twin, 2022. The 4 Ps of Marketing and How to Use Them in Your Strategy. [online] Investopedia. Available at: <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/four-ps.asp> [Accessed 2 September 2022].

Yasar, 2022. What is the Marketing Mix (4 P's of Marketing)?. [online] https://www.techtarget.com. Available at: <https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/Four-Ps> [Accessed 2 September 2022].
