About Pages/Brand Stories research for at least 2 similar (to your project) E-commerce website

 About Page

It is an essential page of a website where the business have the opportunity to introduce themselves and gain the trust and sympathy of the customers, despite the concept that about pages are an obligation rather than an opportunity. The purpose of the about pages is to advertise the business, its ideal and principles with the final goal of gaining public attention and sell their product. A well structured and content relevant about page could increase significantly the customers database for a company and brand popularity. In this blog we will discover strategies to boost the About page outcome and will study few examples. 


It is perhaps the most effective way of promoting a business name and imagine. A story make appeal to public curiosity and imagination and through this method companies can satisfy customers curiosity by offering background information's, details related with the obstacles met and overcome by the company proving the capability of adaptation and success, ideals and missions that resonates with customers views and interesting which will eventually set the foundation for business-customers relationships (Keenan, 2022). 

Stating value

During this process business should focus on customers needs. It is important that the focus is totally distributed towards reasons of why the product is the chosen one, how can solve problems, why the company it is to be trusted and quality of services and products provided. In addition the founders of the company can be made known to the customers as it encourages a feeling of familiarity (Keenan, 2022). 


There is no secret that media is overloaded with numerous false advertisement, stories that can not be really verified or proved. This strategy refers at proving the professionalism and the capability of a business through the use of notable examples namely: achievements, recognitions, awards, and honours. Being able to have a solid proof of a company achievement will help customers to trust the company easily and eventually purchase the products of the named business (Keenan, 2022). 

Best practice advice to create an About Page:

  • know your audience: it can be proved to be a tedious and time consuming process however, its importance is irrefutable. Being able to know the audience can help in creating stories that are relevant to your customers increasing the chances of establishing a connection between business and customers.
  • honesty: it is a fact that honesty is the main attribute that dictates trust. there is not a more negative situation where a business had been lying to its customers. Honesty is critical for a company if they wish to gain their customers trust and loyalty.
  • consistency:  a story can have a major impact on a persons perspective however for long term results business should be consistent in their storytelling. While a story can be amazing it will be forgotten if the consistency is not present. It is advisable to select an initial story and continuously develop it (Appointy, 2021). 

Brand stories:

Starting with the famous cave paintings until present, storytelling is the most used technique to share information's and for numerous years it was the only method known to mankind to pass information. Neuro-economist Paul Zak proved in his study that our brains release dopamine and oxytocin when we listen to stories that we are engaged with (Gardner, 2020). With this in mind there is no surprise that storytelling is the most effective method to establish emotional connection between a brand and customers. The release of hormones corelated with happiness will significantly facilitate the creation of a relationship between a company and its customers.

Persisting on this idea we will look at two examples of brand stories. I chose as a case study two examples with relate to my project and these are Kiehl's and Deciem both being skincare companies.

Kiehl's example:

The company started in 1851 as a family business and it evolved into a multi-million dollar business in present. Previously we mentioned that an ideal story should be consistent which make Kiehl's a relevant example of brand stories. In the early days the company promised to chose the most natural and suitable ingredients for its products and in present they are dedicated to the same promise, as they were in 1851. The company philosophy,  its products and their attributes follow the same logic as their promise (Adelina, 2019). 


In contrast with Kiehl's, Deciem is rather a new skincare company which was established in 2013. Their storytelling strategy consists and focus on the aspect of honesty. During their advertisement campaigns the company kept a simple way of addressing their customers, providing instructions for their complex products in a simple and popular language. This strategy resulted in a rapid gain of popularity among customers. The same tactic had been used by the company through social media advertisement where they provided elaborated posts in order to cover all the necessary information that customers might need.  This approach encourage the customers to trust and stay loyal to the company, increasing their customers database (Adelina, 2019).

In conclusion, it is obvious that the ability to build emotional connection between a company and customers it is critical for a business success. Brand stories is a powerful tool that can attract and gain the sympathy of the customers if used accordingly.  In a following post, I will provide more information related to my project website. Stay tuned. 


Adelina, 2019. 10 inspiring brand storytelling examples. [online] Flipsnack Blog. Available at: <https://blog.flipsnack.com/10-brand-storytelling-examples/> [Accessed 3 September 2022].

Appointy, 2021. 5 Rules of Brand Storytelling for a Beauty Marketing Campaign. [online] Appointy Blog. Available at: <https://blog.appointy.com/2021/05/03/brand-storytelling-for-beauty-marketing-campaign/> [Accessed 3 September 2022].

Gardner, 2020. How to use storytelling to drive sales in the salon. [online] Beautyandhairdressing.co.uk. Available at: <https://www.beautyandhairdressing.co.uk/How-to-use-storytelling-to-drive-sales-in-the-salon-Dermalogica-Candice-Gardner.html> [Accessed 3 September 2022].

Keenan, 2022. 21 Best About Us Page Examples and How To Write One (2022). [online] Shopify. Available at: <https://www.shopify.co.uk/blog/how-to-write-an-about-us-page> [Accessed 3 September 2022].
