Website homepage wireframe: hand sketch and digital

 One of the first mile stones in the creation of my website was to decide the components and the layout of the home page. The website has a target audience which is interested into appearance and imagine therefore the layout  of the website must be simple, yet elegant. The homepage should be user friendly, easy to navigate and provide sufficient information for customers. My main purpose is to create an appealing website and to attract customers for the main reason. Numerous times I found myself in a position where I have to purchase or book a service in a short time and the websites I visited failed to facilitate this. After further consideration I created a raw sketch of the homepage to help me get a better view about the project.

Next step would be the creation of a wireframe for the home page. My main focus for the website is user experience so there will be numerous features included. My final idea is not defined yet so I decided to add and modify elements whilst working on the website however I will need a ground zero to start with. This prototype will support me in tracking the functionalities and connections between website pages and elements.  
