Features of an E-commerce website

    E-commerce sector proved to be a promising sector to develop a successful business. An online store has numerous advantages namely low maintenance cost, availability, wider market, higher profit returns and it is convenient for customers and businesses owners. An online store requires a website page to operate. The store website should include specific features and functionalities to be successful. This post will explore and analyze the webpage store of ASDA which is a grocery business with the model B2C (Business to Customer).

   A professional website should be customer friendly, easy to navigate, offer an exciting shopping experience and convince the customer to return in the future. An E-commerce website has a similar structure with a traditional website and includes a front-end side or User interface (Header, Main Body of the page and Footer) and a logical interface also know as back-end.

Website Header features

The Website Header has a search bar with two options included into the search bar for their most popular categories allowing customers to conduct a quicker search inside the website. Login functionality requires customer registration to use the entire features of the website and help and support it is provided during the registration process.

 Asda website has an interactive Image button that links to shopping cart. It is not present on main page of the website, however, is present once a product category is selected. In terms of product category selector each category has a sub-website with its own menu and services available. The website has a Logo button with a link, and it present a navigation menu with more than five tabs which include different sections for products and services offered by the company.


The website does not include a carousel banner however the marketing / promotion is made under de form of posters and popular suggestions. The pictures used for advertising have a good quality and the inside picture text it is clear and has an appealing style. These images are link images which mean that when clicked they redirect the user to the product that the image promotes. Carousel Side navigation arrows it is present in category website page however it is not present into the main page of ASDA website.

    Featured Products on main body of Home page

 Main Body of Home page

    Featured products on a carousel display is not present however the advertising on main page it is made under the form of posters which have the bring forward feature once the cursor is on top of the posters. The carousel banner can be found in subcategories or in the section with the services provided by the company. Promotions poster link when clicked to categories that have similar products with those advertised. Asda website has incorporated a button which allow customers to select and change cookies settings.


 ASDA website has a rich content footer with various menu tabs namely information’s related to the business, contact details, returns section, policies related to various concerning aspect and the services provided by the company. It also includes social media button links with ASDA pages on different media platforms and copyright information’s.

Code view

The second part of analysis on this website is the HTML code used. We can notice that ASDA developers used metatags for their website. The viewport metatag is present which allow user the use of the website on a mobile device. Furthermore, we can see the use of robots in metatags which means that this will determine search engine behavior. Metatags for language, theme color, rating and Facebook verification are included. In addition, we can notice that ASDA website uses JavaScript that will animate the pages and the images displayed on their website.


Overall, we can assume that ASDA has a strong and user-friendly website. It is rich in content, well designed to attract customers and promotions and services are well advertised. The website menu it is interesting, for any product category or service offered the company provides a sub-website with its own graphic design and advertisement strategy. The footer of the webpage provides relevant information that might interest the customers namely contact details, copyright, customer support and services provided.
