Example of different types of E-commerce: including screenshots, description and links

 Electronic commerce had a different appearance in its early days. Over the years this sector evolved and provided numerous opportunities. Majority of business adopted the new style of marketing creating different categories of E-commerce business model. 

Types of E-commerce:

Business to Business (B2B)

 B2B represents the selling of goods from a business to another business rather than a consumer. The transactions from this model are often represented by larger amounts of goods with greater specifications and longer lead times. Most popular retailer that focuses on this business model being Alibaba. Forrester published a report in 2018 predicting that by 2023 this type of E-commerce sector will reach $1.8 trillion making 17% of US B2B sales (BigCommerce, 2022).

 Business to Consumer (B2C)

This type of E-commerce is the most popular among people. It involves the selling of goods and services to the end consumer rather than an intermediary. B2C namely involves the selling of goods and services required by consumers. It was at its peak during the early 90's and since then business used the new phone shop mentality to increase their sales and offer a pleasant experience for the customers. A major business example operating in this sector is Amazon which is predominantly the leader on this type of E-commerce (BigCommerce, 2022).


Business to Government (B2G)

 To function effectively agencies and administrations require goods and services provided by special businesses named government contractors. In this model of business companies must meet government requirements, solicit bids for projects, and meet specific product specifications or service criteria. These types of products and services often resume to employment, fiscal data, legal documents and social security. Recently this business type seen a considerable increase as a result of investment in e-government (Bloomenthal, 2022).

Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

 C2C allows consumers to sell and buy goods through websites without the need of an established company. Most common types of transaction are auctions listing or normal sell of goods or services. A popular platform for this type of business can be Ebay. An interesting aspect related to this business type is that often the product quality can be unsatisfactory (Indiafilings, 2022). 

Consumer to Business (C2B)

 In this E-commerce model consumers, namely freelancers, can sell their services to companies under the form of short contract. This model allows consumer to achieve pricing, scheduling, and employment demands (Statista, 2022). In general this type of E-commerce is conducted based on project required by businesses.

Direct to Consumer (D2C)

Direct to customer E-commerce is a simple process where business sell their products and services direct to consumers without the use of a third party (Bloomenthal, 2022)

Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C)

The logic behind this type of E-commerce is that business sell their products to another business and they are sold again to the customers by the new business (Indiafilings, 2022).

Consumer to Government (C2G)

It is not common for the governments to buy direct product or services from consumers. It is not a popular type of business model however, it can be defined by general public using online services as tax declaration, payments, health appointments and services exchange. Tuition fees for schooling paid via an online platform could also be included in this type of E-commerce (Lutkevich, 2022). 


BigCommerce, 2022. Ecommerce Business Models: Types + What to Select. [online] BigCommerce. Available at: <https://www.bigcommerce.co.uk/articles/ecommerce/types-of-business-models/#value-delivery-methods-for-ecommerce-innovation> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

BLOOMENTHAL, 2022. Electronic Commerce (ecommerce) Definition. [online] Investopedia. Available at: <https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ecommerce.asp#toc-types-of-ecommerce-revenue-models> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

IndiaFilings, 2022. [online] IndiaFilings.com. Available at: <https://www.indiafilings.com/learn/types-of-e-commerce/> [Accessed 29 July 2022].

Statista, 2022. Statista - The Statistics Portal. [online] Statista. Available at: <https://www.statista.com/markets/413/e-commerce/> [Accessed 30 July 2022].

Lutkevich, 2022. What is E-Commerce? Definition and Meaning. [online] SearchCIO. Available at: <https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/e-commerce> [Accessed 29 July 2022].
